New Fanlistings: Edsel Dope/Dope

No Regrets: The Edsel Dope fanlisting

Blood Money: The Dope fanlisting

I have opened my first two fanlistings: Edsel Dope and Dope the band! These are two pretty important subjects for me: Edsel Dope is my literal idol and Dope is my favourite band, so it was important for me to have these fanlistings! I hope to get a few more dream fanlistings, so my fingers are crossed in that regard.

A comeback!

Hello, hello! And welcome to the revamped! It’s been lingering in my mind a long time that I wanted to do more with this domain, as for months it’s only existed to host my Edsel Dope fansite. (An important job, to be fair.) But I’ve always intended to do more with it, since I sincerely love this domain.

Lately, I’ve started amassing enough sites to start a proper collective and portfolio. Now it’s time to bring out from the shadows. I’ve done a lot of work on this site, but there’s still so much more to come. I’m glad you’re here! Take a look around. I hope you enjoy your stay.

Upcoming Sites:

Fanlisting: Edsel Dope
Fanlisting: Dope (band)