Category Archives: fanlistings

Small update/layout change

Sorry for the lack of updates – I’ve been a bit pressed for time. Should be all good now, though!

I’ve changed to a new layout. I think this one will be up for awhile. I like it a lot.

I’ve also finished the Wayne Static and Static-X fanlistings, so please join if you are a fan!

Upcoming Fanlistings

  • Wayne Static
  • Static-X

New Fanlistings: Edsel Dope/Dope

No Regrets: The Edsel Dope fanlisting

Blood Money: The Dope fanlisting

I have opened my first two fanlistings: Edsel Dope and Dope the band! These are two pretty important subjects for me: Edsel Dope is my literal idol and Dope is my favourite band, so it was important for me to have these fanlistings! I hope to get a few more dream fanlistings, so my fingers are crossed in that regard.