♫: Secunda LoFi 
🍵: Sparkling water
😊: Feeling fine

I retooled my layout a bit. It features Eve 6, a band I adore and gatekeep way too much. If you’re looking for a band to obsess over, 10/10 would recommend. Most people know them from Inside Out because that was a massive hit in the 90s, and that’s a great song. But tbh, hyper relevisation is my comfort album. If you see me out and about with my airpods in, I’m probably listening to that. I know, I listen to things other than Dope? Scandal! Seriously though, hyper relevisation is an amazing album. Check it out when you have the chance.

Speaking of album reviews, I know I need to get on with reviewing every Dope studio album ever. Next up is Group Therapy, and I’m not mad about that at all. It’s in my top three Dope albums for a reason. It’s just that I’d been a bit burnt out, so writing’s been the last thing I’ve wanted to do. I don’t know that I have any advice to give in how to get over burnout. I think I’m still figuring it out myself. I’ve been trying to vary my interests, and get into some new things. Sometimes inspiration comes from unexpected places. Sometimes, it emerges when you realize how far you’ve come.

A friend recently asked me to return to a community I left for my mental health: Star Wars Galaxies. Back in the day, SWG was my escape when things were rough. It gave me a sense of community and a break from reality when I needed it most.

But here’s the thing: sometimes you have to realize when something that’s helped you before isn’t doing you any good anymore. For me, Star Wars Galaxies turned into something I needed to leave behind to take care of myself. I’m thankful for the things I learned as staff and for the people I met, but I had to step away from the toxic vibes in the community. People saw it when the game was live, and it’s still present today. Not everything will be in your life forever. Sometimes, you just need to move on. And that’s okay. As long as you’re moving *towards* something.

I may return. I may never play again. I guess what I’m trying to say is, sometimes inspiration even comes from revisiting the past. And re-affirming that you’re never going back. Ever. (Thanks, Kamala <3)